Marketing plays an important role in the Company, it helps to create and share brand value for customers and build customer relationship for our renowned brands – COVERMARK, KESALAN PATHARAN and IMJU. If you are creative, innovative and interested in our brands, you are welcome to join us.

COVERMARK及KESALAN PATHARAN的專業團隊致力為客人提供最高效, 獨特, 優質的產品及專業優質的服務. 我們深信專業可靠的服務團隊是品牌致勝的重要關鍵之一.
由培訓主任提供全方位的在職培訓, 各員工均經過嚴格的訓練才投入服務, 歡迎有志服務我們品牌的人才與我們聯絡.
Back Office
Back office is the core portion of the Company, it consists of Accounts, IT, Logistics, Technical support and Human Resources, with the cooperation of each functional sections, it supports smooth operation of the entire company. You are welcome to join us if you are interested to be one of the functional expertise.

Graphic Design
Graphic design is the art of visual communication through the use of text, photos and illustrations. It represents not only the brand images but also help to deliver brand messages to our target audiences. If you are innovative and creative, you are welcome to join us.
Marketing plays an important role in the Company, it helps to create and share brand value for customers and build customer relationship for our renowned brands – COVERMARK, KESALAN PATHARAN and IMJU. If you are creative, innovative and interested in our brands, you are welcome to join us.

COVERMARK及KESALAN PATHARAN的專業團隊致力為客人提供最高效, 獨特, 優質的產品及專業優質的服務. 我們深信專業可靠的服務團隊是品牌致勝的重要關鍵之一.
由培訓主任提供全方位的在職培訓, 各員工均經過嚴格的訓練才投入服務, 歡迎有志服務我們品牌的人才與我們聯絡.

Back Office
Back office is the core portion of the Company, it consists of Accounts, IT, Logistics, Technical support and Human Resources, with the cooperation of each functional sections, it supports smooth operation of the entire company. You are welcome to join us if you are interested to be one of the functional expertise.

Graphic Design
Graphic design is the art of visual communication through the use of text, photos and illustrations. It represents not only the brand images but also help to deliver brand messages to our target audiences. If you are innovative and creative, you are welcome to join us.